Whether we seek full success or allow degrees of success of failure determines the results we deliver. Allowing 'degrees of success' thinking is sloppy thinking
Effective project implementation delivers results. Delivery to specification delivers an output. The business wants results. Here's the differences
The first question you ask of a proposed project will impact its success. Ask, "What will this do for the profit?" and you've changed the conversation.
Project failure is relative; most projects fail in part, 40% of projects fail overall in terms of net value delivered. This is avoidable if you use a value perspective.
Organizations believe they don't have the staff required for them to be fully involved in and lead projects. But this limitation can be easily overcome
Software companies may promise the world but are fundamentally not interested in helping you realize the benefits available from their software. Beware.
The lack of project success shows project delivery process are broke. They need to be fixed. Start by defining a new set of project success measures
Your clear, specific, and measurable 'desired business outcomes' should be drafted at the very start and should then drive every aspect of your project. But sadly, few projects identify them...
Business managers can tend to lose sight of their business context and goals when on projects. To combat this you need to change the measures of success
It is time to replace the Iron Triangle measures with the TOP Value Triangle measures as the basis for increasing project success
The orthodox Iron Triangle inadvertently encourages the scope and specification to be the first element compromised. When you reframe the Triangle you can see why that's wrong.
The major brand-name consultancies are not set up or intending to deliver measurable value to their clients. Here's why and what you can do about it.
The orthodox project success measures of 'on time, on budget' are not benign; they are dangerous as they encourage the destruction of value
Projects delivered to specification can still fail at the implementation stage. Only effective implementation ensures project success
The orthodox measures of project success are, when you really think about it, absurd. They measure inputs not outputs but what you want is outputs.
Stakeholder management ignores the fact that the business areas impact, management and sponsor are the owners and investors
When you think about it, measuring project success using the Triple Constraint or Iron Triangle is absurd. They measure completely the wrong dimensions
The standard Triple Constraint or Iron Triangle measures of project success actually cause expensive to the business problems and should be replaced
How you measure project success determines if your projects deliver successfully in business terms
Project success requires you to know all of the activities required, your path dependencies and your benefits' up-to-date value. Do you know this for your project?
The TOP Value Equation equips you to define and deliver true project success that maximizes the business value realized
Lack of project success incurs massive costs - both visible and invisible. No organization can afford such failure.
You cannot track project success through orthodox project reporting, there are four critical areas that need to be tracked and measured to ensure the success of your project
Here are 7 prerequisites that you need to have in place for successful projects. You should check each project today against the checklist provided.
The measures of project success abound, but there are 10 key measures of success that matter to the business.
Project completion does not equal project success. Project success is a different measure that orthodox methodologies do not support. A new approach is needed.
The obstacles to the successful implementation of benefits management come in all shapes and sizes, but boil down to three root causes.
Critical Success Factors are prerequisites to the success of the project, not the most important measures of success.
Many projects are using the wrong measures of success. Yet, there is only one true measure of success which is simple to understand.
The definition of your desired business outcomes is the 'holy grail 'of projects that every manager needs to understand.
The success of most projects is measured by time and cost - the inputs. Success should instead be measured by what comes out of the project.
Transformation programs demand that the organization has the necessary 'capability' to successfully deliver them. Most organization's are deficient.
Too many projects deliver compromises that adversely impact business operations for years. This is a waste and the opposite to success.
Functional, technical, and strategic "architectures" do not process charts. They do not necessarily help to improve the business.
The idea of projects not being responsible for benefits is false and needs to be rejected.
TOP's international recognition by Gartner as a 2011 Cool Vendor
Assessing if you can deliver successful projects that are strategically relevant is the key to project success.
The true measure of project performance and success is delivering and achieving our desired outcomes; not doing and completing tasks. We need to change our project measures of success.
Most project investments are losing far more money than appears. Maybe double or more. The actual waste is massive. Learn why.
Critical Insights (6) Project “Success” has three dimensions
- Benefits Management (29)
- Business Case (24)
- Business Simplification (5)
- Capability Development (38)
- Capital Investment (24)
- Change Management (17)
- Consultants (1)
- Costs and Waste (16)
- Engineered Thinking/Ideas/Innovation (8)
- Fifteen Critical Insights (15)
- Idea / Project Initiation (3)
- Mental Models, Beliefs and Myths (18)
- Outcomes Thinking (10)
- Path Dependency (10)
- Prioritization (13)
- Process Management (11)
- Productivity Improvement (7)
- Program / Project delivery (40)
- Project Controls (52)
- Project Governance (90)
- Project Management (4)
- Project Success (46)
- Project Validation (2)
- Risk Management (5)
- Scope Management (5)
- Standards/Frameworks/Methods (14)
- Strategic Project Portfolio Management (16)
- Strategy Execution (39)
- The TOP Four Lenses (1)
- TOP compared to orthodox approaches (7)
- Value Delivery (83)
- Value Equation (60)