The TOP 15 Project Questions for Executives

Written by an executive, for all executives who want to be on top of their project investments.

TOP Value Equation Handbook

This handbook contains comprehensive notes and detailed instructions to support the TOP Value Equation Practitioner Certification.

Benefits Management Can Be Simple

You commission projects to deliver the benefits. Benefits Management should be an integral part of project delivery processes, not add-on steps or separate parallel stream.

Why your measures of success are destroying your projects

TOP is specifically designed to enable (and measure) the successful delivery of projects.

How to define your measures of project success

How to move beyond the orthodox ‘on time, on budget’ measures, to define the true business measures of project success — outcomes, benefits and value


The current measures of project success - “on-time, on-budget, to-specification" - are absurd because they measure success by the inputs used, rather than by the value to be created.

Understanding Value

Here we make it all quite clear - what is ‘value’, what are ‘benefits’ and what needs to be taken into account when measuring the ‘value’ of a project.

The 26 Obstacles to Benefits Management

Although you commission projects to realize the benefits, there are 26 major obstacles to successful benefits management.

Increase Profits by Eliminating This Invisible Waste

To improve your operations and profits, you will have to cut costs, downsize, outsource, or use the six sigma. But there is one last bastion of unseen waste – excessive waste - projects.

The Value of the TOP Value Equation

Your value equation determines how you maximize, optimize, manage, deliver and measure your business benefits.

Understanding the TOP Value Equation

The Value Equation is the most powerful tool in any project delivery toolbox — but is missing in most organizations

Solving the Benefits Puzzle

“Solving the benefits puzzle” spells out the problems in measuring benefits in a story format and presents the solution by outlining a scientific approach to benefits management.