“Solving the benefits puzzle” spells out the problems in measuring benefits in a story format and presents the solution by outlining a scientific approach to benefits management.

Benefits management, benefits realization and benefits measurement are all facets of the same challenge — how do you get the most benefits and value from projects.

Where the benefits go on projects is a mystery to too many organisations. It is an area poorly understood and poorly supported.

In this story-based book, a fictitious organisation is frustrated with the lack of benefits from projects. Through reading newsletters and consulting an expert they come to grips with the elements of successful benefits management so as to ensure they realise the benefits they seek from each and every project.

Benefits management has been made too hard and complex for too long. This easy-to-read book makes it simple while not making it simplistic.

It debunks some of the common methods of approaching benefits management - some of which actually REDUCE the benefits identified and delivered. There has to be a better way, and there is - the TOP approach to benefits management - as outlined in this book.

An entertaining read, every dimension discussed in this book is based on proven experience.

This book is essential reading fro anyone with an interest in or accountability for delivering benefits from projects or installing a benefits management program in their organisation.

ISBN 978-9775646-0-6


Printed Book: Not available

Download: Not available

Topics: Value Delivery, Value Equation, Benefits Management, Benefits Delivery, Amazon Kindle