How to move beyond the orthodox ‘on time, on budget’ measures, to define the true business measures of project success — outcomes, benefits and value

Most organization’s measure project success is ‘on time, on budget and to specification’. When you think about it this is absurd. Do you really invest in and commission projects to see “if this time we can deliver something on time and on budget”? No, you commission projects to deliver the desired business outcomes, reap the benefits and bank the available value. Therefore, your measures of success should be outcomes, benefits and value based.

The TOP Value Equation™ equips you to easily define a set of measures that will refocus every project onto delivering the business value desired and increase the returns on investment—even for the most technical projects.
Adopting the Value Equation increases the value of your project investments, increases your control of project success, while eliminating much of the waste incurred on projects. It is the most powerful tool in the toolbox yet it is easy to learn and adopt.

It really is that simple.

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Topics: Project Success, Value Equation