What is the promise of totally optimized projects? That you can increase project value and deliver in less time and for less cost .

Projects are commenced with high hope. They promise the world but deliver too little. More projects fail than succeed. 

This is a problem that has been ongoing on for more than three decades and it is not improving.

It is time for a new perspective, a new approach.

Ask any executive and they will tell you that "projects cost too much, take too long and deliver too little". This is despite the billions that have been spent on project management tools, techniques and methodologies. Even the shift to Agile has been disappointing for many.

There needs to be a better way of approaching and delivering project investments.
This book will explain how to deliver more projects and more value in less time and for less cost—this is the promise of totally optimized projects.

For too long organisations have tried to improve the orthodox project delivery approaches, when we really need is a set of different frameworks and different perspectives.

Using TOP's simple 'four lens' model, The Promise spells out what has been missing from all of your projects and how you can easily fix your project investments by changing how you think about, approach and deliver them. The Promise explains the key lenses or perspectives that deliver Totally Optimized Projects with their extraordinary results. Many readers will see the approach proposed as simple common sense. Sadly common sense is not common. The addition of two additional perspectives - we call them lenses - dramatically changes the way project investments are viewed, the measures of success and the processes, tools and techniques required to be successful.

A project makes a 'promise' in its business case to deliver the stated value. However, only rarely is value the driving force of the project. More often it is "created" to justify the funding and then the business case ends up on the shelf.

With The Promise we reinstate value as the core driver of the project investment and the realization of it as the primary measure of success.

If you want to know why projects fail and how you can fix this, read The Promise.

ISBN 978-9775646-1-3

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