With the potential to easily execute your strategy and double your returns, at no extra cost you can adopt a value delivery approach to eliminate the current levels of waste on your projects, while dramatically increasing the business outcomes, benefits and value - and future profits - delivered from your project investments. This is the last profit frontier.

To reduce costs and increase profits organizations have cut, outsourced, rightsized, rationalized and reorganized, So what is left whereby you can achieve significant further gains?
The one area that has been largely neglected or has been deemed a ‘project
management issue’ is dramatically reducing the waste incurred on and through project investments.
How organizations approach and deliver projects today routinely destroys more value than it delivers through a combination of excess costs and undelivered value.
Therefore, when organizations focus on eliminating waste, increases in business returns of 50%, 100% and more is not uncommon.
Wasteful projects compromise your strategy, your future operations and market flexibility. They defraud your shareholders, customers and staff.
This is a criminal waste that can be avoided if organizations choose to adopt a ‘value delivery’ approach to project investments.
‘Value delivery’ is not ‘project management with benefits management attached,’ it is a new way of thinking, delivering and measuring project investments.
With the potential to easily execute your strategy and double your returns, at no extra cost you can adopt a value delivery approach to eliminate the current levels of waste on your projects while dramatically increasing the business outcomes, benefits and value - and future profits - delivered from your project investments.
This is the last profit frontier.

ISBN 978-0-9775646-8-2

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Topics: Value Delivery