To get the optimal results from your projects and programs you need to understand how your brain works and how to best work with it

Getting in alignment with your brain

To get the optimal results from your projects and programs you need to understand how your brain works and how to best work with it.

Projects require working with complexity, being creative and challenging the status quo. They require us to use our brain and think. But ‘thinking’ is not the norm. Earl Nightingale once said that, “Two per cent of the population think, three per cent think they think and the other 95% would rather die than think!”

Indeed, we are rarely taught to think – at school we are taught to learn. We were taught not to challenge the fundamentals of what we were told – therefore, if it is the prevailing wisdom then most people will accept it.

And project delivery is no different. Project delivery is beset by approaches and mental models that are used to avoid both thinking and dealing with complexity.

Approaches are used that ignore how the brain works and therefore fail to capture the true business needs and all of the required business changes. As these omissions are discovered the workload and costs go up, the timeframe goes out, and the business value goes down.

This is all avoidable by using the multiple Engineered Thinking techniques that have been built into the TOP processes.

Engineered Thinking™ works with how your brain works. It enables you to think, to challenge, to cope with complexity through its question and answer techniques and organizing frameworks. It equips you to avoid inadvertently cutting off downstream options with your early decisions by requiring specificity and outcome clarity from the outset. It requires you to challenge your own mental models in order to be successful.

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Topics: Program / Project delivery, Mental Models, Beliefs and Myths