By using the TOP Value Equation, business cases set up the Project Manager for success.

Projects are how organisations execute strategy. Every project incrementally leads an organisation to its new “working just right” future.

The Business Case and the Project Manager set the project up for success when it clearly states:

- the business’ desired business outcomes,
- the path dependency of the outcomes as they are delivered,
- the benefits the outcomes deliver,
- transparent, traceable and trackable model of the financial value to be delivered
- project costs, based on all of the activities to deliver the outcomes, benefits and value…
At least, that is how it should be.

Too often, the Business Case is unclear, not validated, and poorly thought through. The Project Manager is left trying work out what “success” looks like so that he can deliver it…

The TOP Value Equation™ is a strategy execution model, developed by experts in the strategy execution domain which is enabled by simple tools and techniques.

Whilst developed for the business executives to use, The Value Equation can also be used by Project Managers to gain a clearer understanding of what the business is intending to achieve so that PMs can then deliver that.

This session introduces PMs to the Value Equation and give practical examples of its application in major projects and organisations.



What project managers need to know to engage effectively with their project sponsors from PMI UK Digital Events on Vimeo.


Topics: Business Case, Value Equation, Project Sponsor, Project Manager